Reading has always been and always will be my favorite past time. I was an only child for the majority of my childhood and with both of my parents being teachers, I was introduced to the world of books at an early age and it was here that I instantly found my home. As a child, I was the girl who would rather read than play outside; to this day my mother will go on and on to anyone who will listen about how I taught myself to read around the age of four and was teaching other kids to read by the time I entered kindergarten. In high school, reading was always the more appealing option and even today, I’m the girl who’s idea of a perfect day is spending a few hours wandering around the libraries of Orange County. My desire to read is insatiable and I try to read anything and everything I can get my hands on.
Growing up, I was obsessed with Nancy Drew and pretty much any story that had a strong female character. I respected how Nancy and her friends worked together and solved any case that came their way. The Wrinkle in Time series by Madeline L’Engle is an all time favorite of mine, the space travel and crazy encounters with creatures from other worlds will always amaze me. These books sparked my love for tales of exciting adventures and made up lands. Another prime example of this would be the Chronicles of Narnia. I have re-read these in my adult years and find that I appreciate them even more now that I am able to recognize their symbolism. The Last Battle by C.S Lewis is absolutely perfect in the way it represents a clear picture in such a simple way that readers of any age can grasp it. After the Narnia series, I made my way through many of Lewis’ theological books and instantly felt a connection that I still have to this day. I am sure I am not alone in this, but Lewis has a remarkable ability to put into words all the thoughts and feelings I have ever had regarding God and Christianity and I can never get enough of it.
Nowadays, I enjoy reading non-fiction. Though I have not lost my heart for the wonder-filled fiction of my youth, real life stories a bit more appealing to me now. I have always loved learning about real places and the lives of the people that inhabit them. I find that a part of me can always find a part of their story that resonates with my own life and makes me feel as if I am involved in something larger than myself. Some might say that those who read use books as an escape from reality, but I see it more as a way to compliment my personal understanding of the world around me; a way to feel connected in this great big world we live in.
I am sure my love for reading originated through a combination of nature and nurture; having been exposed to books at an early age and then being allowed to let my fascination with them grow. I think it is so important to show children that they can take ownership over their reading and it can be so much more than unwanted school work. The ability to read is something that will stay with a child throughout their entire lives and it is my hope to instill my love for reading into an and every child I encounter. If a child can read and read well, they will have many more doors open for them as they get older. As a nanny, I made sure to read to my boys for at least twenty minutes a day and I am very proud to say that we got through the entire Harry Potter series in our one year together. In regards to my career as a teacher, I have a strong belief that reading provides a strong and creative foundation that children need for a successful future. My students will hopefully catch my enthusiasm for reading and let that guide them into a whole new world of adventures and learning.
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